
Recent Campaigns from Nepean Liquor Accord
Domestic Violence
Domestic and family violence isn’t always physical. It won’t go away by itself.
This campaign, in collaboration with the Nepean Domestic Violence Network, aims to educate about the different forms of domestic violence and how to access help and support.
Educational Trailer
The Nepean Liquor Accord has supported financially an educational initiative for the Nepean Police Command. The trailer will be taken to high schools and community events targeting kids under 18 years of age. It has been built with an Xbox system and education program to educate on the negative effects of alcohol and drug-use.
Kids that are about to turn 18 and visit the Accord’s licenced venues are also taught proper ‘pub’ etiquette. The beauty of the initiative is that they can adjust the training programs yearly to kids based on current trends within the community.
Venue to Venue Communication
All Accord members are part of a venue to venue communication strategy. We are able to currently alert each other LIVE of evicted patrons that could be unsafe to let into your venue. Owners, managers and security are part of the messaging group that allows them to deny entry to patrons that have been evicted from other local businesses. Members can also communicate ongoing issues with certain patrons that could possibly lead to an area ban for individuals for repetitive quarrelsome behaviour.
Current strategies in action include:
Other Campaigns
Party Buses
There was an increase in alcohol related incidents at venues relating to ‘Party Buses’ dropping off groups of people right at the entry of certain businesses.
The Accord implemented a strategy of banning party buses from parking on their property and also alerted security companies to observe for late night drop offs. The accord was able to decrease incidents relating to ‘Party Buses’.
OMCG Member Bans
Nepean Police command requested that all Accord members ban OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang) members from entering their venue. The Accord had a Police Commander from the Raptor Squad present why we should move in this direction.
The Accord agreed to ban OMCG members from entering their venues. The Nepean Police command then issues notices to local OMCG members explaining they are forbidden from entering any venue from the Accord.